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Shenzhou-18 Brings Back Samples for Space Habitat Research

The Shenzhou-18 spacecraft returned to Earth carrying 34.6 kilograms of specialized experimental materials, which included hard-to-cultivate microorganisms, alloy samples, and advanced nanomaterials, as reported by Science and Technology Daily on Monday. An expert shared with the Global Times that specialized ground teams will conduct comprehensive analyses to confirm the data and potentially develop new theories

Experience the Rare Blue Supermoon in the Sky Tonight

A Supermoon is formed when a full moon coincides with the moon’s closest approach to Earth in its elliptical orbit, making it look larger and brighter than usual. The moon’s orbit around Earth is an ellipse rather than a perfect circle, therefore the distance between the two changes during the month. A Supermoon occurs when

How to Watch Tomorrow’s Double Possibly Triple Meteor Shower

Mark your calendar for Tomorrow (July 30 2024). The first meteor shower of the summer is predicted to peak in the early hours of Tuesday morning, giving stargazers the opportunity to see dozens of shooting stars sweep across the night sky every hour. Astronomers have questioned the origins of the Delta Aquariids meteor shower, with